Monday, March 24, 2014

#ThisDiva Celebrates Paniolo Style

To celebrate my cousin Jessi's birthday this weekend, we decided to head out to Kohala on the Big Island to have a "Cowgirl" bash! Normally, I would just throw on some overly bedazzled boots, a fringed jacket, a pink hat and call it a day (because after living in NYC I do own these things!), but we wanted to spend this weekend with the real deal. A weekend with bonafide Paniolos - Hawaiian cowboys - riding horses, roping cattle and everything that comes with the territory.

Just about everyone I told about my plan laughed hysterically because #ThisDivaIsAnAbsoluteCityGirl and they were convinced I wouldn't last 2 hours let alone 2 days...considering the term "roughing it" actually doesn't exist in my vocabulary. But not only did I prove them wrong, I also had the most amazing experience learning about the land and the lives of such incredible people. 

And what also made this trip wonderful was being able to see and explore some of the most beautiful land in Hawai'i. Once you venture outside of Kona and start heading up to the mountains, you get to see miles upon miles of untouched coastlines and land. Roads are lined with mounds of lava rock, guava trees or turkeys! It was a great weekend of adventure, fun, laughter and mud...lots and lots of mud! And just what I needed before heading out to Los Angeles for the first time ever...but I'll save that for next time...A Hui Hou!

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